systemctl start linux
Written By The Mentors of Hackerspace PESUECCREADME!
Welcome to systemctl start linux
! This is our very first workshop on the wonderful, enchanting world of Linux, and we're here to hold your hand through the process of exploring this world yourself.
This post serves as a standing reference for the workshop (and later)! Feel free to come back here and refer to the content as you please.
If you've got more doubts, or if you'd like to just nerd out about how cool this stuff is, Make sure you join the Homebrew By Hackerspace PESUECC Discord!
Ready? Here we go!
I'd like to welcome you to the Linux Operating System! Every single line of code you use here has been contributed as an effort by people around the globe, working for the public good. Then again, Linux isn't the power user's choice for no reason - we're here to show you why it's a favorite.
So, you wake up, and you're in a strange place. All you have with you is a computer, with a single character on it -
Say Hi to Shelly, your friendly neighborhood UNIX Shell!
What the hell is a shell?
A shell is nothing but a text-based interface for you to use your beloved computer. Think of the shell as your really smart friend who prefers texting over anything else, and thus, wants only to speak via text. This seems silly at the moment, but trust me, you'll see why this is an advantage at times!
The Shell works as a REPL - a Read, Edit, Print Loop - where you
- Read what the shell says
- Edit or write a command or collection of commands to the shell
- read the output Printed by the shell
- Loop until you're done
The shell works on a collection (and combination) of commands, some of which you will explore today.
Remember! If you're ever confused about a command, simply type into your shell -
$ man <command>
This opens up the in-built help system, known as Manual Pages!
0 - What is this place?
- Covered -
, Directories, and Expansion
What is this place? Who am I, you wonder? Out of instinct, you type that into your computer..
$ whoami
The whoami
command tells you, simply put, who you are on the computer! Think of this is the way you ask if Shelly knows you. For more information, refer to man whoami
Good! Now that we know where we are, it's time to find out where in the computer we are!
But Why?
That's an excellent question! In Linux, everything is a file. Given this, it's essential to know where you are so you don't modify the wrong file by mistake, and say, accidentally get rid of the computer's ability to adjust brightness (not kidding, see /sys/class/backlight/
How this actually works isn't something we'll cover in this workshop, but in essence, everything - network interfaces, displays, mice, keyboards, WiFi Adapters, Gaming Controllers, Processes, Hard Drives - to Linux, they're all files! You can read more about this here.
A collection of files is known, as you know, as a folder. The formal term for the same is directory.
The place you're currently located in Linux is always known as the working directory. To find out where we are, we can use the pwd
rint w
orking d
irectory) command.
$ pwd
Lastly, before you start the next module, we'll show you how to make sure you don't get lost in the text on the terminal! Key in -
$ clear
And the screen should be empty, save for out friendly neighbourhood prompt $
1 - ls
, cd
, mkdir
Basic PWD : prints current working directory
$ pwd # shows you the current working directory
Basic usage of ls :
$ ls
Lists all files, hidden files and folder too
$ ls -a
Lists contents of directory given an "absolute" path
$ ls /path/to/some/folder/from/root
Lists contents of directory given an "relative" path originating from PWD
$ ls ./path/to/some/folder/from/pwd
Gives permissions and last modified of all normal contents of the directory
$ ls -l
Any of these can be combined with each other with some obviously logic, like : List permissions and last modified for all contents including hidden
$ ls -a -l OR la -l
Basic use :
$ cd
cd to current users home directory
$ cd ~/
cd to move one directory up
$ cd ..
Change directory to root directory :
$ cd /
Change directory using absolute paths
$ cd /path/to/some/folder/from/root
Change directory using relative paths
$ cd ./path/to/some/folder/from/pwd
Installing FZF
$ git clone ~/.fzf
$ cd ~/.fzf
$ ./isntall
basic use :
$ mkdir <folder name>
Creating multiple folder
$ mkdir dir_1 dir_2
Creating directories withing directories
$ mkdir -p dir_1/sub_dir_1
2 - touch and permissions
So what exactly is the touch command? If we ask the man pages, we get "changes file stamps". This is something where even seasoned linux user go wrong.Touch DOES not create files for you, it modifies the time stamp on those files.
These time stamps should have been observed in the previous module in the command ls -a -l
. Even though touch is to modify time stamps it is rarely used so.
Basic use : changes time stamp is file exists, else creates new file
$ touch <file_name>
what if you don't want it creating new files?
$ touch -c <file_name>
what if you want to only change the access time stamp?
$ touch -a <file_name>
and if you want to modify only modification time stamp
$ touch -m <file_name>
Soooo, how do u see those time stamps?
$ stat <file_name>
The permission system in linux is quite a beautiful thing. But before we can learn that, we need to learn a bit about the user system in linux.
There can be many users accessing a single computer and its files. These users can be part of groups
. superuser
is another user in every system that has no restriction to any file.
Whenever one uses sudo
, they are doing the commands as if they are the superuser
and begin able to do commands as super users naturally needs a password. sudo
is analogous to administrator in windows but much more secure and useful.
To ones using our repl session, all commands are executed superuser without any password.
Now we are prime to learn permissions, get those binary thinking hats on!
For any given folder or file we have three types of access:
read write execute (rwx, remember the order its important)
for any given access types, 1 is used if allowed, 0 if not
So if user has read and execute permissions :
111 => 7
Now, of course we gotta give permissions for owner, groups and other.Groups being the group that current owner is part of and others well being everyone except the owner and his group.
Once again the order matter so remember it :
owner group others (ugo)
and now finally, say the current owner get all permission, other in his group also get all and others get none.
user group other
rwx rwx ---
7 7 0 => 770
You now know how to calculate linux permissions! Congratulations. So how do we set these permissions?
we use : chmod
Basic usage :
$ sudo chmod 770 /absolute/path/to/some/folder/or/file
We can also use relative path, no restrictions.
It is always advised to execute chmod as superuser
We can also change the owner of the file using chown
, which I wont be covering in this module! There is quite a bit more to the linux permissions system, but that all for now. Onto the next module.
3 - pipes and Redirection
A normal logic of any computer program is a set of instructions which manipulates given inputs to give a specific output and give any errors if any
So every computer science student should know that three data streams come into play and STDIN a.k.a Standard Input (data fed into your program), STDOUT a.k.a Standard Output (data printed by the program, defaults to terminal) and STDERR a.k.a Standard Error (for error messages, defaults to terminal)
Now we are going to delve into two topics in detail which is Pipes and Redirection where we manipulate the flow of said above data streams
And buckle up! Cause this is an important topic!
the action of assigning or directing something to a new or different place or purpose.
and well, that is exactly what we are doing! We are going to redirect the data coming from our data streams i.e STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR using certain operators in the command line and use it somewhere else for some other purpose
Demonstrate usage of <, >>, >, 2>
Usage of < :
$ cowsay < message.txt //Input Redirection
Usage of > :
$ ls > output.dat //Output redirection
Usage of >> :
$ cowsay moo >> output.dat //Output redirection (append)
Usage of 2> :
$ g++ 1.cpp >> output.dat 2> error.dat //Error Redirection
- Demonstrate the usage of cat as a barebones text editor
Redirection Exercises
- Using cat as an editor, write the following message
hello im under the water here too much raining
- Now using the operators you learnt, redirect the message to cowsay and get the whole output in a file output.dat
So far we have seen redirection to and from files, now we are going to learn a new mechanism for sending the data recieved by execution of one program or command or script to another program or command or script and this mechanism is called Pipes.
Two important features is data forwarding and pipelined simultaneous execution!
$ ls -la | head -3 //Executes the command ls and forwards the data to the head command which prints the first three lines of recieved data
Piping Exercises
- Let's play with the lolcat utility a bit shall we? (first install it with apt)
$ ls -la | lolcat //try it out!
4 - Jobs
What is Job control?
Job control is nothing but the ability to stop/suspend the execution of processes (command) and continue/resume their execution as per your requirements.
What is the purpose of Job command in UNIX?
Jobs Commands:
Basic usage :
$ jobs
To display the process ID or jobs for the job whose name begins with “p,”Alternatively, we can use jobs %p !!
$ jobs -p %p
Information about each job
$ jobs -l
Display jobs with PID's only
$ jobs -p
Currently running jobs
$ jobs -r
Jobs that have stopped
$ jobs -s
type -a jobs OR command -V jobs
How do I list only processes that have changed status since the last notification?
# Start new job
$ sleep 100 &
# Show jobs that have stopped or exited since last notified.
$ jobs -n**
5 - fg, bg, ps & kill
Why do we need fg and bg processes ?
help bg
- Introduction to bgbg [ job_spec ]
- Create a Simple Job and run command- [ job_spec ] - Explain different types of job_spec with examples
Current Job
$ bg %+
Previous Job
$ bg %-
Job Number
$ bg %1
Job Initiation Command (Starts with)
$ bg %s
Job Initiation Command (Contains)
$ bg %?s
help fg
- Introduction to fgfg [ job_spec]
- Create a Simple Job and run command- [ job_spec ] - Explain different types of job_spec with examples
Current Job
$ fg %+
Previous Job
$ fg %-
Job Number
$ fg %1
Job Initiation Command (Starts with)
$ fg %s
Job Initiation Command (Contains)
$ fg %?s
Jobs? Processes? - Differentiate
- Introduction
ps [ options ]
- Run command & Explain various fields- PID - Process ID
- TTY - Terminal Type
- TIME - Process run time on CPU
- CMD - Command name which initiated the process
ps --help a
- Summarize all options.
help kill
- Introductionkill pid
- Run command after creating a process/job- Explain various options observed in help kill.
List of Kill Signals
$ kill -l
Specify a signal name to be sent to kill a process
$ kill -s <pid>
specify a signal number to be sent to kill a process
$ kill -n <pid>
6 - grep,wget,zip,unzip,tar
$ cat <file> | grep <something>
number of instances
$ cat <file> | grep -c <something>
case intensive
$ cat <file> | grep -i <something>
wget basic
$ wget <website-name>
recursive download
$ wget --recursive <website-name>
Store a file
$ wget <image-url> >> <image-name>
tar, zip , unzip
Create tar Archive File in Linux
$ tar -cvf <tar-file>.tar <tar-dir>
Create gzip Archive File in Linux
$ tar cvzf <gzip-file>.tar.gz <gzip-dir>
Untar tar files in Current Directory
$ tar -xvf <tar-file>.tar
Unzip gzip files in Current Directory
$ tar -xvf <gzip-file>.tar.gz
$ zip <myfile>.zip <filename>.txt
Remove the file from archive
$ zip –d <filename>.zip <file>.txt
Update the file from archive
$ zip –u <filename>.zip <new-file>.txt
Delete orginal files after zipping
$ zip –m <filename>.zip <file>.txt
$ unzip <file>.zip
Unzip to a different directory
$ unzip <filename>.zip -d </path/to/directory>
Use password to unzip
$ unzip -P <password> <filename>.zip
Exclude some files
$ unzip <filename>.zip -x <file1-to-exclude> <file2-to-exclude>